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Understanding Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder with no cure, though its symptoms may be controlled. According to the Mayo Clinic, fibromyalgia is believed to amplify pain sensations by changing the way the brain receives signals from elsewhere in the body. Typically, individuals with fibromyalgia experience musculoskeletal pain throughout their bodies, in addition to severe fatigue, memory loss and trouble sleeping.

What causes fibromyalgia?
The simple answer is that no one knows for sure what causes the disease. According to Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center, research suggests that the disease is related to physical disorders of the central nervous system, as well as psycho-behavioral issues such as emotional disorders.

Some studies have suggested that fibromyalgia is associated with abnormal sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation can cause hormonal imbalances, which may trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. Some individuals may be more susceptible to the disease from a genetic standpoint.

Who is at risk for fibromyalgia?
As with many chronic immunodeficiency diseases, women are more at risk for developing fibromyalgia compared to men. Likewise, the condition is most likely to present between the ages of 30 and 50, though it is not limited to these ages. Individuals living with other chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or osteoarthritis are more likely to develop fibromyalgia.

Can fibromyalgia symptoms be reduced?
Though there is no cure for the disease, individuals living with fibromyalgia can reduce their symptoms by taking a proactive approach to their health. The Mayo Clinic recommends that anyone with fibromyalgia get plenty of sleep every night, exercise regularly and consume a healthy diet. A therapeutic massage can reduce pain symptoms temporarily.

It’s also important for people living with the disease to remember to pace themselves throughout the day. Extreme exertion can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. This can be a struggle when symptoms come and go.

Fibromyalgia patients should consider keeping a record of their mood, pain and energy levels and diet to gain a better understanding of their personal triggers. By keeping this data on hand, patients can look back and find potential patterns. With this information, individuals can increase the number of opportunities for pain-free days.

Fibromyalgia causes pain throughout the body.Fibromyalgia causes pain throughout the body.

Does diet affect fibromyalgia symptoms?
As with most immunodeficiency conditions, diet plays an important role in the management of fibromyalgia symptoms. By following God’s Original Diet as described in Genesis 1:29, individuals living with the disease can reduce their symptoms and live more comfortably.

Many foods that are common in the American Standard Diet can actually make fibromyalgia symptoms worse. Any foods containing artificial additives and coloring, gluten and MSG should be avoided completely. Likewise, animal products such as red meat, eggs and dairy can cause fibromyalgia symptoms to flare up. Caffeine has also been associated with increased symptoms.

Eating a vegetarian diet is much less likely to cause flare ups. In fact, eating a diet of raw fruits and vegetables can reduce the frequency of fibromyalgia-related pain. In a study conducted by Hallelujah Acres, 19 out of 30 participants had very significant improvement in their fibromyalgia symptoms within just 6 months of following the Hallelujah Diet, with much of the improvement coming within the first 2 months. And this was without taking into account candida infections or heavy metal toxicity, two major contributors to the pain of fibromyalgia.

A well-rounded diet should consist of the following foods:

  • Almonds.
  • Broccoli.
  • Avocados.
  • Beans.
  • Dark leafy greens.
  • Olives.

Not sure where to start? Making a veggie smoothie and adding in a scoop of Essential Protein is a great lunch idea. You get the veggies you need as well as organic protein derived from peas, rice and raw seeds. The supplement not only provides essential protein, but also reduces hunger and food cravings.

Because women are more likely to experience fibromyalgia, they should consider supplementing a plant-based diet with nutrients that reduce perimenopausal symptoms, which can increase the painful effects of fibromyalgia. For example, the Balance supplement is designed to rid the body of excess estrogen, promote progesterone production and boost immune system functions.

Individuals who experience the life-altering symptoms of fibromyalgia should understand that they can feel better. Adopting God’s Original Diet is the first step toward a healthier, happier life.

The post Understanding Fibromyalgia appeared first on Plant-Based Diet - Recipes & Weight Loss Supplements | Hallelujah Diet.

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